“106 Snail Chick” by April Boddie


“Always forward, never backward.”

“Onward and upwards.”

“Never look back; you’re not going that way.”

These are all quotes that I’ve heard most of my life. I can so recall mentally repeating such phrases to myself as I lay in bed contemplating my next move. The month before I was in almost the same spot when a quiet, still voice said: “Your season here is over.”

I sat up, thinking, “Wait! No! I’m comfortable here. All my walls are the exact color that I like; my location is perfect; my ceilings are high! No! Where am I going? What is my next? I was full of fear and low on faith. So many questions and zero answers. I was trying to stay in a season and set of circumstances that God had clearly blessed me past. I was comfortably uncomfortable. Staying out of season gets uncomfortable, like wearing a mink coat in Alabama in late July or like walking in shoes a few sizes too small. Just flat out uncomfortable is what you will certainly be. But as I’m sure many of you have experienced, when God says your time is up, It’s up!

You will simply not be able to ignore the signs.

Change and move we must, but it’s how we move that can change the trajectory of not only our next but also our now.

Making A Healthy Clean Move

Day 1: I was packing and I ran out of tape. I ran to my car to get a new roll and I almost stepped on a snail. Yuck! I thought, “Gross! Look at the messy trail it’s leaving on my freshly sprayed porch.” I then kicked it off my porch with one effortless kick. That poor snail; I was so inconsiderate! Snail lives matter! Let’s take a second and consider that tousled little assault victim. This guy was going somewhere — albeit slow — it was going nevertheless. As it moves, however, it leaves behind a sticky trail of slime. Yuck! I haven’t spoken to any snails lately, but I can imagine that if they had a choice, they would choose to leave behind flowers or maybe tiny berries? Something with a little bit nicer appeal than nasty, sticky slime. Can you imagine constantly walking through a trail of slime and sludge? Spread all across your life? Your children’s lives? Your work history? Your credit history? Legal history? Rental history? Ugly sticky slime of bad words, severed relationships, bad business, broken promises, stained reputations built on shady character and ugly intentions. Well, when we don’t move forward in the right way, we do things in a snail-like fashion.

(Yes, I got this whole epiphany from my unfortunate snail friend.)

You have a choice, friends & family. As for me, at that very moment, I vowed, “I will never again be a snail chick”.

A New View

I reentered my house met with a sea of emotions and a mission in my heart. Happiness from all of the laughter shared at countless dinners and cookouts. Gratitude for the levels of wisdom that was gathered at my blue table during bible studies and prayer meetings. Overwhelmed with sadness when I remember all of the days that I was driven to chase money, please my fleshly desires, and worry myself to sleep. But most of all I was filled with pride because I knew God’s will was done there. That will would be brought to completion in our final days as residents of 106.

I beckoned my kids in from their rooms and called my husband on the phone. I told them we were starting operation CLEAN and I do I mean clean. My son was livid because 1. He couldn’t understand why we had to clean and 2. why we were leaving the place we called home. I couldn’t blame him for his attitude because he learned it from me. In my past, I thought that was what deposits were for, to pay someone to clean after you leave. Major snail characteristic!

Praise God that he would speak so clearly to me through my son. Our kids are a constant reflection of us. On we went to each room: cleaning the doorknobs, light fixtures, floors, baseboards, and ceiling fans. In the kitchen, we cleaned the refrigerator, freezer, stove, cabinets, and drawers. Outside we washed the porches. We even cleaned the attic! With each stroke, my tribe’s attitudes took a change for the better. They started playing cleaning games, singing and laughing as they completed each chore. My heart smiled because I knew that they had learned a life lesson that would change their hearts, minds and, in turn, change their worlds.

The Bigger Picture

We as a family had left the place that we called home for 3 years in better condition than it was when we got there. It was spotless, as were our hearts, and just like that, a generational curse was broken.

To only God be the glory.

Because of that little snail, I have discovered the beauty of leaving a clean slate. As a result of our commitment to clean, I have been given stellar rental references from my former landlords. We have a great relationship, and I often recommend them to those looking for a place to call home. When I tried to pay my last month’s rent, I was informed that my security deposit covered all existing fees. FAVOR! First, we must obey without question. There is always a reward for obedience.

My children and I have since had very open dialogues about situations, jobs, and relationships that we wish we would have left better. This has opened a whole new level of character not only for them but also for me.

I don’t know what season God is trying to move you out of whether it be a house, a job, a church, a state, a relationship or whether it’s clean or dirty. I encourage you to trust his timing and move. As you make preparations to move, let your top priority be a clean break and a tidy move. Even if you are coming out of a pure mess, you don’t come out messy. Never say a bad word about a place, situation or person. If you do you will look back and see a trail of slime, my friends. You have the right to remain silent. Do me a favor and exercise that right, friends, or you will become snail chick.

Change is good and inevitable.

Often times we want to change our situations, but I pray that you will allow the situations to change you.

Praise report: God has blessed my family & me with a perfect place to call home this season.

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT

Prayer ~ 

Father God, we thank You for change. We thank You for jump starts and screeching halts. We thank You for using foolish things to confound the wise. Thank You for snails; Thank You for the mud and mire and solid grounds. May we cultivate quite spaces so that we can hear You. Give us the courage to start before we see the finish line. Grant us all the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. May we hold tight to Your truths and let go of grudges. Thank You for your patience with your children and your overwhelming love for us all through it all.

~ by April Boddie

April is a Huntsville native, who is a mother of three and mama to many. When she was a little girl she wanted to be a race car driver. Now she races around the Tennessee Valley catering to others needs. The joy of the Lord is her strength, and His grace abounds in her life. April’s hope is in Christ and her heart is to serve and love. On any given day you might find her repotting plants, preparing meals and making old things new. April has a love for words and melodies. An undiscovered comedian, she finds the joy of laughter in the darkest of circumstances. Her favorite quote is “If you don’t like something change it and if you can’t change it, change your attitude.” Dr. Maya Angelou


One Comment

  1. Shaquila May 13, 2018 at 8:42 am

    Wow, beautifully written.


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