“Chasing Dolphins” by Kelly Wilson Mize


Better one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind.
Ecclesiastes 4:6 (NIV)

The day I’d been eagerly anticipating had finally arrived. The sun was bright, the air was clear, and the glistening ocean seemed to wink at me in shared expectation…

Since I was a little girl, I had dreamed of going to Hawaii. Finally, last month, in celebration of our 25th wedding anniversary and my husband’s 50th birthday (and in spite of an unexpected volcano eruption!), we made the trip to the Big Island. We chose to stay in the town of Kailua-Kona, in part because that area has some of the best snorkeling in the world. At our ripe old ages, neither of us had ever snorkeled, and I for one could hardly wait!

Our snorkeling tour promised, in addition to seeing all kinds of tropical marine life, that we would be able to swim with pods of dolphins in their natural environment. Now, I must tell you–Dolphins are my thing. Right after riding on the back of a tame lion (picture Aslan in Narnia), hanging out with dolphins in the ocean is right up there among my wildest dreams. They say that dolphins are the ‘angels of the sea,’ and in my mind, rightly so. Any contact I could potentially have with them would practically qualify as a heavenly experience.

But setting sail that morning, it soon became clear that actually finding dolphins was harder work than we anticipated. At times, it seemed less like a snorkeling excursion, and more like a dolphin hunt. But our experience was guaranteed. The guide assured us that we would indeed find dolphins, and if not, our money would be returned.

There was only one rule: Do not chase the dolphins. The guide explained the importance of respecting their space. If the dolphins sensed they were being stalked, they understandably would not want to stick around.

My husband and I were sharing a spectacular day with a stunning view of Hawaii’s coastline as the backdrop. But I couldn’t completely focus on the wonder of God’s creation around me, because all I could think about was getting to the dolphins. What if I missed them? Was the sight of tropical splendor that I’d dreamed of seeing my entire life not enough?

Nope. I wanted more. I wanted the dolphins.

Eventually, we did find the coveted reward. I swam as hard as I could to get close to them–to actually be with the dolphins. And after much effort, I made it. But just about the time I was swimming right above them (practically in sync, it was incredible!), I heard a voice calling out…


Our guide, who was watching from above us on the boat, was motioning to us, “Come back! Swim THIS way, because you’re going toward the channel!”

Are you kidding me?!

I knew that the channel was a danger zone, an area where we could accidentally be hit by a boat! But I really just wanted to stay with the dolphins. I was tempted to yell back in the whiniest voice I could muster, “But I just found them…they’re right heeeere!”

Common sense prevailed, though, and I turned back, realizing the guide knew what he was doing. Although he wanted us to have the adventure we had paid for, it was more important for him to keep us safe.

Then I suddenly realized… I had essentially broken the one and only rule: I had been chasing the dolphins! And just for a moment, I had almost caught them. But not quite…

Looking back now, the other parts of the day: the boat, swimming in the ocean, the incredible sights, the time spent with my husband…were just as memorable. I’m so thankful for all that I experienced. The voyage was every bit as wonderful as the destination.

The dolphins were indeed magnificent creatures. But like the guide told us, chasing them was pointless. They came around in their own time when conditions were right.

What dolphins are you chasing? Are there certain people, places, or things that represent the ideal in your life? A perfect vacation? A storybook marriage with always-smiling children? Flawless friendships? The best church in the world? The job of a lifetime? There is beauty and wonder all around us. Let’s not miss what is good in pursuit of more, chasing perfection that can never truly be caught.

Instead, may we position ourselves clear of the danger zone, within the boundaries of God’s will (the only truly perfect place), where we are open to His direction. Like the guide on a snorkeling adventure, our omniscient leader is sitting above us on the throne: watching, guiding, and keeping us safe in His sight at all times.

The dolphins will show up. Those “picture-perfect” experiences will happen from time to time. The elusive creatures may not be visible every minute of every day of our life’s voyage, but they will appear in God’s timing when conditions are right. May we learn to let go of the exhausting “chase” and just enjoy the breathtaking scenery along the way.

Written by Kelly Wilson Mize

Kelly Wilson Mize considers it a personal, God-given mission to encourage others with words. She is a wife, mother of two teenagers, librarian at Westminster Christian Academy, and freelance writer who has lived in the Huntsville area for over twenty years.  Kelly has a master’s degree in elementary education, and over a decade of teaching experience in both private and public schools. She also has a variety of published writing experience including numerous articles and interviews, various curriculum projects, hundreds of devotions for both children and adults, and contributions to six books. Kelly’s credits include LifeWay Christian Resources, Focus on the Family, Adams Media, and Group Publishing. Visit Kelly’s author page: Follow her on Twitter @kellywilsonmize.


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