Christmas Ministry Spotlight: The Linc



The Linc After School Care of Lincoln Village Ministries

What is The Linc?

The Linc is an after-school enrichment program for children who live in and around the area served by the Lincoln Village Ministry.  The Linc’s primary purpose is to provide a safe, Christ-centered environment that supports children emotionally, physically, mentally, socially, spiritually, and academically, and lets them be kids and have FUN!  Monday through Thursday from 3:00 to 6:00, our program provides children with a family atmosphere, meaningful relationships with staff and volunteers, homework help and tutoring, nourishing family-style dinners, and a spiritual impact that will last LONGER than a lifetime.

The Linc began in 2005 as a tutoring center in an office building in downtown Huntsville with ten students. In 2007, we moved to The Village Church and grew to 20 students. By 2010 we had 40 students. In 2012 we moved to Lincoln Academy and grew to 60 students, topping out last year with 75 students. This year we prayerfully decided to go “Back to Our Roots” and return to our old location at The Village Church while reducing our numbers to about 50 students K-8th grade. We also felt called to continue to support our high-school students at the Linc, expanding our program to include ten high-school students who have graduated from Lincoln Academy.

What motivates the Linc team?

God’s Grace. As Christians who have accepted the gift of God’s incredible, relentless grace, we are then called to a responsibility to share that experience of grace with others. Our work can be tiring, ugly, and disheartening. Seeing the results of and the depravity due to sin can make anyone want to give up, but we sing a song in church that says: “His love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me.” If we expect that sort of unconditional love from our Creator, should we not also be showing the same feeling towards others? We are motivated by God’s love and “love is all you need.”

What is one verse that has been significant to The Linc ministry, and why?

John 16:33:  “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” This is meaningful to us because it reminds us to expect trouble, pain, and grief in this world, but to not give up. It reminds us that no matter how hopeless a situation may seem, God has already overcome it. In the midst of despair, we can still have PEACE. This does not make sense to the world, but this verse reminds us that God is in control, and it brings us peace that passes all of our understanding. Hallelujah!

What is one of the Linc’s most memorable God moments in this city?

Our God moments aren’t big and they probably won’t make headlines. Our God moments occur in the little things, and if you don’t look for them, you may miss them. A child who goes from not being able to pick up the letter “A” after weeks of study to now being able to read fluently and identify all of his letters. A boy, usually angry and emotionless, who was getting out of the car to go home to his incessantly inebriated parent, stopping to respond to us for the first time with an, “I love you, too,” and the look in his eyes that showed just how much he meant it. A girl choosing, one day at a time, to keep herself pure and make good decisions with boys despite feeling like this makes her an outcast among peers. A boy sitting for hours upon hours studying for school and coming out with a B average in his first semester of high school because he has taken his future into his own hands with a work ethic that will not allow him to give up despite the hundreds of curve balls life continues to throw towards him. Brothers accepting God’s grace into their hearts and being baptized to gain the most important achievement of them all: salvation. Each of these moments is matched with even more moments of hardship and despair, but GOD IS VICTORIOUS when we do not give up.

How can we help you and the people you serve this holiday season?

Volunteer!  Because the Linc relies on more than 200 volunteers to provide services, there are many ways to become involved: intern, mentor, daily help, provide dinner, lead activities, and much more.  We have a particular need for male volunteers to help connect with the boys and young men in our program.

We also always gratefully receive donations of food and supplies.  Our recurring needs include:

The Linc Kids’ Holiday Wish List
Bean Bag Chairs for our Movie / Bible Study Room
Paper Plates, Forks, and To-Go Boxes / Containers
Sports Equipment – basketballs, volleyballs, soccer balls, kickballs, outdoor games
Blankets to send with kids who are cold a night

And finally, we are always in need of financial support.  This is currently a great need.  A small, local church helps with daily operations, but we could really use help with funding for our continued operations, adequate staffing, sponsoring field trips, and meeting the children’s individual needs.

To learn more about how to support the Linc, you can visit for more information.  We appreciate whatever you can provide!


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