“It’s Personal” by Katie Wilson


Our City is making it personal. Silence is deafening when hearts are hemorrhaging. Lord, we don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on You. 

George Floyd is my son. It’s personal. Until we start looking at news stories as if they are our children’s diaries, we will never be able to be a part of truly loving the world. As followers of Christ, the only appropriate response to injustice is to personally step into the lives of others, feel their pain, cry their tears, bear their burdens, lay our lives down for the life of another as if life depended on it. BECAUSE IT DOES! 

George Floyd is my son. He is your son too. Until we start making it personal, we remain part of the problem. 

**Please take the time to watch and embrace this conversation between Kirk Franklin, Matt Crouch, Robert Morris, and Dr. Tony Evans.  May we go to the grave ever learning, growing, stretching, engaging, becoming, and embracing the hard, uncomfortable, and risky business that calls for us to be catalysts of change in the mighty and matchless Name of Jesus Christ. 

Kirk Franklin talks with Matt Crouch, Robert Morris, and Dr. Tony Evans on TBN

“Unaddressed prejudice married to power will result in an unintended pregnancy that gives birth to an evil baby called RACISM.” ~ Dr. Tony Evans 

**Check out the original post below that inspired “It’s Personal”

George Floyd Is My Son at Katiejwilson.com

~Written by Katie Wilson

Katie was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee, where a loving family and the River City watered her roots. Hutchison, an all-girl school, taught her sisterhood and the importance of education. Second Presbyterian Church planted seeds of Christian faith, that are reaping a harvest to this day. Katie attended Vanderbilt University and graduated with a B.A. in Psychology and a Fine Arts minor. In 1993 Katie married her college sweetheart and was Huntsville bound, adding early childhood and elementary education to her academic credentials at UAH. 20+ years and 3 children later, Katie is writing, painting, mentoring, and speaking as a “hope-offerer”, locally and internationally, in Brazil, Kenya, Uganda, Costa Rica, India and Germany thus far. Grounded in her faith, Katie seeks to be an active participant in loving the world well. She hopes to be an instrument of light, celebrating diversity and promoting peace, without forfeiting Truth. Katie aims to leave a conspiracy of kindness in her wake, a legacy of love that flavors today and seasons the generations to come. Connect with Katie on her blog at Psalm8110.


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