Patriot Day Prayers

“The spirit of service and self sacrifice that Americans so nobly demonstrated on September 11, 2001, is evident in the incredible response to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. The same spirit of American patriotism we movingly witnessed onSeptember 11th has filled our hearts as we again see the unflinching courage, compassion, and generosity of Americans for their neighbors and countrymen. The service members and first responders who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, and in the years of service since would be proud of what we have all witnessed over these last three weeks and what will undoubtedly unfold in the coming months of recovery. By protecting those in need, by taking part in acts of charity, service, and compassion, and by giving back to our communities and country, we honor those who gave their lives on and after September 11, 2001.” From President Trump’s Patriot Day Proclamation. To read all, go to the-press-office/2017/09/08/ president-donald-j-trump- proclaims-september-11-2017- patriot-day
Lord, as we commemorate this day, we pray that our city will be faithful to care, to pray, and to serve causes greater than ourselves to respect those we lost in 2001 and to honor those first responders who continue to service us each day.

Join in a national prayer event on Patriot Day to cry out for our nation at noon until 2 PM on Facebook at heNationalDayofPrayerTaskForce /?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
This is a good day, Father, to remember Your mercies are new every morning! We continue to agree together that Your Hand of love and protection are guiding and helping first responders and all people in the path of hurricane Irma, the dear people recovering from hurricane Harvey, and those who have lost so much from the devastating fires out west.
Thank You, Jesus, for showing us how to handle the storms of life, whether natural disasters or emotional/physical trauma. Holy Spirit, rise up in Your people to speak with the authority that Jesus gave us: “Peace, be still” to the storms.
Here’s a good prayer guide for times of crisis from Intercessors for America: promo/resources/2017-times-of- crisis.pdf
“The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you,
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you
And give you PEACE!”
Numbers 6:24-26
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