Prayers for Our City: April 23, 2018 – Arts
and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 ASV
One of the most fun things to pray over each year, Lord, is our wonderful Panoply! Thank You for this festival in our city that celebrates Your gifts of music, dance, theatre, and the visual arts with an emphasis on children and arts education. May our little ones be inspired to explore the talents You have given them. We pray for parents and teachers to guide them in these giftings and direct them to use their talents to speak Your love and light to our city and the world, even to the dark and broken places. Use them to infiltrate every “mountain of culture” in our city bringing Kingdom illumination through their talents.
Father, we ask that You graciously grant good weather for this event. We pray for families to come and participate together and make a wonderful memory. And we ask that these three days of fun would have no injuries or acts of evil intent of any kind. We bless all security personnel with vigilance. Thank You for the guests that will be visiting our city; may they encounter Your love and joy!
(To pray over the list of performers and see festival highlights click here.)

We pray grace, peace, and energy for this year’s Panoply Leadership Team of 100 – 150 committee chairmen who plan, organize and recruit the 1,000+ shift volunteers that are needed. Thank You for this army of volunteers, Lord! May Your people be willing servants who recognize divine appointments to shine for You! May Your protection and love cover every aspect of Panoply, April 27-29, as we enjoy color, sound, and creativity!
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