Prayers for Our City: August 26, 2019 – Family

“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith …
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, …
nor is there male and female:
for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Galatians 3:26-28 NIV
Father God, on this day, August 26, designated as Women’s Equality Day, we rejoice in all that You’ve done to give women equality in Your Kingdom and in Your Heart! Thank You for the beauty, gifts and value You bestow on womanhood. You’re a wonderful Father that knows how to give worth and talents and divine callings to all Your children who have found equal access to forgiveness and abundant life at the foot of the Cross.
[Explanation from Wikipedia: This date was chosen to commemorate the day in 1920 when Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby signed the proclamation granting American women the constitutional right to vote. [1] In 1971, following the 1970 nationwide Women’s Strike for Equality, [2] and again in 1973, as the battles over the Equal Rights Amendment continued, Congresswoman Bella Abzug of New York introduced a resolution to designate August 26 as Women’s Equality Day.
“The struggle for women’s suffrage, however, was only the first step toward full and equal participation of women in our Nation’s life. In recent years, we have made other giant strides by attacking sex discrimination through our laws and by paving new avenues to equal economic opportunity for women. Today, in virtually every sector of our society, women are making important contributions to the quality of American life. And yet, much still remains to be done”.]
Lord, we pray in agreement with this wonderful prayer for women by Pastor John Piper.

May this Godly wisdom fill every woman in Huntsville/Madison County!
“. . . That you see the biblical guidelines for what is appropriate and inappropriate for men and women not as arbitrary constraints on freedom, but as wise and gracious prescriptions for how to discover the true freedom of God’s ideal of complementarity; that you not measure your potential by the few roles withheld, but by the countless roles offered; that you look to the loving God of Scripture and dream about the possibilities of your service to him.” (Last paragraph of John Piper’s prayer)
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