Prayers for Our City: December 4,2017 – Advent


“And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord

 shone round about them…”  Luke 2:9

The month of December is definitely a season of decorations, entertainment and celebration.  As Your people, Lord, we know Advent (Dec. 3-24 this year) is to honor and celebrate Your amazing, miracle coming.  There’s no point in moaning and grumbling about how far our culture has drifted from that.  No –  we choose to bless this season and thank You once again for this awesome time of year when there’s greater opportunity to reach out and demonstrate Your love to those who long to experience peace and joy.

We pray powerful anointing on every Christmas concert, candle light service, carols playing in our stores, beautiful Christmas nativity scenes, etc.  Even as You did for the shepherds, we thank You for angels being released to come to people,  revealing Your glory to them.

[Pray for the Christian outreaches you know of being offered in Huntsville/Madison County.  That your pastors and worship leaders will hear from Holy Spirit.  That hearts will be tenderized to receive Emmanuel.  Since Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday, pray every church will be filled to overflowing with people and the Spirit.]

Intercessors for America is offering a free Advent devotional that you can download at

Speaking of Advent opportunities, allow me to share about a gift exchange that has come to be my favorite personal tradition as a result of asking the Lord how to make Christmas a celebration that both He and I would value.

I encourage you to try this.  Have your own special gift exchange with Jesus.  Ask Him not only what specific gift you can give to Him for Christmas, but what gift He would like to give you.  Then wait and watch with the excited expectancy of a child.  He has wonderful ways of showing you how much He delights in this tradition.  (See full article at )

I’ve been so pleasantly surprised, and at times humbled by the quality and preciousness of the gifts He has given and asked for from me  — gifts the world can never manufacture.  The creativity and love involved in this personal exchange with the Great Giver has made this tradition the highlight of my Christmas and has kept Jesus the focus of His birthday.

Happy Birthday, Jesus.   And a gloriously blessed Advent season to you, my brothers and sisters in faith.









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