Prayers for Our City: March 18, 2019 – Repentance
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalms 51:10 ESV
We praise You, Father, that You are at work creating the clean hearts we need as we walk in the righteousness of Jesus (Philippians 1:11)! Your Word says that righteousness exalts a nation (Proverbs 14:34), and we believe that includes states, cities, families, and the individual. How thankful we are for the prayer leadership of so many ministries and church leaders calling for repentance in this hour. How eternally thankful we are for the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all unrighteousness (l John 1:9).
With that in mind, Father, we sorrowfully hold before You the results of a study which compared all 50 states in regard to key indicators of immorality related to seven categories of sin. Our state is ranked 15th. [See the categories and the rankings here.]
So, Father, this report is a sad indictment of the state of Alabama and of our nation. We all, in big and small ways, are responsible for the problem; so we want to be part of the solution! Thank You that repentance prayer at the Cross is the same starting place for all. [Repent of any hold these sins have in your life and repent on behalf of the citizens of Alabama whose sinful behavior has opened the door for darkness to get a stronghold in our state, city, and families.]
By Your grace and the empowerment of the indwelling Holy Spirit, we determine to walk in the opposite spirit of these sinful mindsets (that’s what true repentance does). We want to be instruments of Your love and peace that destroy the death grip of anger and hatred. We ask that the Blood of Jesus cover and purify us; cleansing Your people and those who will come to know You from the spirit of lust that enslaves to pornography, prostitution, human trafficking, adultery, and teen pregnancy issues. Forgive us for not being good stewards of the marvelous minds and bodies You gave us; for being lazy about exercising, unwilling to give of our time and talents to volunteer and bless others, and choosing long hours in front of the television instead of in Your Presence. [Continue to repent through the category list and determine to live in Jesus righteousness.]
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