Prayers for Our City: March 6, 2016 – Family


They will no longer be plundered ….. They will live in safety, and no one will make them afraid. Ezekiel 34:28

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety. Ps.4:8

Father God, we look to You and pray that every home in Huntsville/Madison County would be a safe dwelling place. Awaken us to the challenge to prayer walk our neighborhoods consistently to bless each household with Your peace and protection.

Today we thank You for the Blue Star Crime Free Multi-Housing program that is being established by the Huntsville Police Department (HPD) in all three precincts of Huntsville. We bless the leadership of Rheajoela Caldwell, Huntsville Community Watch president, along with HPD community liason as this program rewards good stewardship by landlords and helps steer potential tenants into safe housing. (Find out more at the City’s website or by visiting Blue Star Program – City of Huntsville)​

We pray for the benefits to fully impact the three groups involved. May tenants have an increased sense of safety and learn to take more responsibility through forming community watch groups and prayer walks. May this program ease the load for our police department in lowering the number of calls. And may apartment managers and owners be better informed of problems, improve their reputations for caring for their properties, and be blessed with lower insurance rates and higher occupancy.

Father, we know there are areas in our community of such deep spiritual need and darkness. Enable us to pray from hope, not pity; knowing you are the Lord who secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. (Ps. 140:12) Thank You for the ministries and civic organizations that seek You for wisdom in knowing the right ways to release the poor from cycles of oppression and despair.

“Now will I arise, says the Lord..because of the groans of the needy; I will set him in safety and in the salvation for which he longs.” Ps. 12:5


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