Prayers for Our City’s Families

“Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope….” Zechariah 9:12
Thank You, Lord God, that as praying people of Huntsville/Madison County we are “prisoners of hope.” When we are in YOU, there is no way to get away from the hope that You are! Today we want to look at a troubling situation that affects every aspect of culture, and we want to be those who cooperate with You by being hopeful and full of faith so You can do the impossible!
There were seven homicides in our city in the first month of 2018. Five of those were gunshot related. Most of the victims were between 16-21 years old and involved some type of gang association. There is so much fighting and chaos erupting in our schools, we know it is coming from lack of nurturing and provision in the homes. Without healthy parental care, our kids are turning to the gangs for a sense of belonging and family. Students who feel isolated, unsafe or lonely may join gangs to feel involved, form friendships or feel safe.
So we want to stand in the opposite spirit of what is invading culture. Through the hope and power given by You, Holy Spirit, we bless our kids and young people of Huntsville/Madison County to encounter Your truth for lies, Your peace for chaos and hurt, Your hope for hopeless depression and loneliness, Your Love for self-hatred and rage. We stand in faith for this hurting, angry generation and will not criticize and complain or allow doubt and fear to keep us bound when we know our God is the Waymaker!
Enable us by Your Spirit to be part of the solution to the problem of gang activity, drugs, and all forms of darkness in our city. (According to a 2015 police report there could be more than 30 gangs in our area. These are older news reports, but have good information about gang activity and how to identify them:
We ask You to fill our teachers, school administrators, school resource officers and struggling/caring parents with encouragement and hope for a turnaround for these difficult young lives. Enable us to look past their exterior and speak to the God-destiny in each one. We pray protection for young kids and ask that You raise up mentors that can convince them of their value in Your Eyes.
Thank You for all the ministries and governmental programs that are offering hope and help to this generation. We bless Lincoln Village and Village of Promise as two examples in our community that are committing to follow a child from elementary school to college age to get them established and flourishing as “prisoners of hope”!! We all have a part to play in seeing Your goodness rescue our kids. We refuse to be negative, we refuse to stop hoping in You and will contend in prayer until we see Your promise to restore what was lost and stolen!
“Then you will know that I am the Lord; those who hope in Me will not be disappointed.
Can plunder be taken from warriors, or captives rescued from the fierce?
This is what the Lord says: Yes, captives will be taken from warriors, and plunder retrieved from the fierce;
I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save.” Isaiah 49:23c-25
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